172. Hardmoors 30, 7th January 23

Hardmoors 30, 7th January 23. 33.58 miles 1,379 m of ascent. 8 hours 4.34. 14.26 minute miles. Joint 103 of 196, 9th in age. 28th lady. 106th ultra. 

This was my 12th time of running the event, the route has changed a few times and is now nearly 4 miles longer with an additional hill from my first attempt so although this was my slowest time to date it was also my longest distance.
We started in Robin Hoods Bay and the section to Whitby went to plan as we chatted to the near constant stream of people flying past us. The coastal path was wet and wild, a couple of times I was held back by it but mostly fine. Normal conditions underfoot (muddy) gave us our usual advantage of overtaking people who have less confidence. I felt sluggish a few times so I ate which helped, snickers and jaffa cakes mostly. My hamstrings felt tight so I took 2 paracetamols with caffeine in and that plus the cheese and onion pasty was what I needed after Robin Hoods Bay CP. It was then a long slow drag along the cinder track. I’m not very good on the flat but was pleased that we mostly overtook people rather than earlier where we were being overtaken.
The turn back onto the coast with its undulations was great as any wind was behind us, the rain stopped and the sun came out. That gave me the lift I needed but I had to keep slowing as Andy was struggling with the hills. As usual he’d spent most of the time chatting to people on the cinder track and either speeding ahead of me or having to chase to catch up so was surprised when I started to pick up pace as he’d used a lot more energy earlier! I was delighted and surprised to overtake a few more friends as we got close to the finish.
It’s a stunning race with its coastal views and I highly recommend it to everyone. 5 well stocked
checkpoints and plenty of good food at the finish all add to the experience. I think we’ve had dry
conditions under foot the last 2 years so that helps me feel positive about taking 46 minutes
more than last years personal worst time!

Did I mention there was chocolate at the

About marathongirl69hotmailcouk

Someone who enjoys lifes adventures!
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